Pokémon TCG Pocket: Chimchar and Togepi Wonder Pick Event Part 2


From February 13, 2025, at 10:00 p.m. PST to February 20, 2025, at 9:59 p.m. PST, the second part of the Chimchar and Togepi Wonder Pick Event continues in Pokémon TCG Pocket. Players can collect exclusive Chimchar and Togepi promo cards and earn event shop tickets to exchange for themed accessories.


Event Highlights

  • Bonus Picks: Special wonder picks that allow players to receive items or promo cards without using any wonder stamina. Look out for Chimchar and Togepi promo cards marked with a Chansey image.
  • Event Missions: Complete specific missions during the event to earn event shop tickets. These missions involve wonder picking and collecting certain cards.
  • Themed Accessories: Exchange event shop tickets for Chimchar-themed items, including:
    • Chimchar Pokémon coin
    • Chimchar card sleeves
    • Playmat featuring Chimchar and its evolutions: Monferno and Infernape

Accessories from the first part of the event, such as the display board backdrop featuring Chimchar and the binder cover highlighting Chimchar and its evolutions, are still available in the shop.

Enjoy the event and expand your collection with these exclusive items, Trainers!

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Support PTCGmeta by using our free TCGplayer referral link
Support PTCGmeta by using our free TCGplayer referral link
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